Thursday, February 28, 2019

Eleventh Annual Movie Ratings Recap

I have just finished rereading what I wrote here last year on February 19 when I posted my tenth annual MRR.  I am now disappointed and discouraged to report that things have not improved during the twelve month interim.  In fact, things have gotten worse in terms of my attendance record at movie theaters.  Last year I bemoaned the fact that I'd managed to see only seventeen films on the silver screen.  This time the number has dwindled to thirteen.  Rather than rehash all the reasons and excuses for the downturn, I hereby simply and humbly direct your attention to what I wrote in that earlier post.  As Neil Diamond once sang, "Except for the names and a few other changes, the story's the same one."  (A tip of the hat to I Am, I Said.)

Alas, duty calls.  Here is a recap of the films I saw in movie theaters during the twelve month period which ended January 31, 2019.  Within each grade level, I've listed the films in order of my evaluation of merit, plus the month of my review.  My wish for the coming year is that movie makers become more attuned to the fact that the baby boom generation has an unquenched appetite for down-to-earth stories without the necessity of super heroes with supernatural powers, comic book characters, over-the-top special effects, locker room humor, one dimensional characters (many of whom are armed), and story lines which don't come close to passing the Logic Test.


Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again (August '18)


The Shape Of Water (April '18)
Green Book (January '19)


Can You Ever Forgive Me? (November '18)
Beirut (April '18)
Hearts Beat Loud (June '18)
A Star Is Born (December '18)


All The Money In The World (February '18)
Sicario: Day Of The Soldado (August '18)
A Wrinkle In Time (May '18)


Bohemian Rhapsody (January '19)
Eighth Grade (September '18)




The Wife (October '18)

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